Land Acknowledgement

I am a kind person who treats everyone with respect and honor. Coding is one of my passions; I enjoy building websites and developing AI in my free time.I also engage in sports like weightlifting and archery.

engage in sports like weightlifting and archery. My ancestry traces back to the cities of Malatya and Kars in Turkey. My mother's family ancestors are from Kars; she moved there when she was seven years old

Traditional ancestors of this land are the Algonquin nations of that are ancestors of Ottawa. I think the word unceded means is not given by. Someone and, it is not handed over, to someone in Canada.

Firstly, my responsibility involves promoting Canada as a tourist destination. By reducing the cost of plane tickets, I aim to attract more visitors, thereby increasing the country's population. This initiative hinges on the perception that traveling to Canada is affordable, ultimately contributing to population growth.

This land is the traditional, ancestral, unceded and unsurrendered territory of _______Canada ________ (can be more than one group) also have ancestral connections to this land.

Unceded and unsurrendered means that this land _is not not given by someon or handed in by someone .___

Who am I

My family ancestors from

Algonquin nations

Land Acknowledgement